Sheree Andrews
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Evangelist Sheree M. Andrews

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Evangelist Sheree M. Reed-Andrews, is a passionate, powerful and prolific woman of God. She currently resides in the Dallas/ Ft. Worth metroplex and is devoted to her primary calling as a dedicated wife and loving mother of two girls. 

At an early age, Lady Andrews exemplified the graceful characteristics that would one day catapult her into her divine calling. Reared under the leadership of her father and pastor, the late Apostle Vernon R. Reed and her mother Mrs. Homerzelle Reed, she utilized her platform in ministry to re-establish a city-wide weekly prayer service that drew people from all walks of life to Jesus Christ. Through this ministry, many were won to Christ.  In 2009, Lady Andrews became one with her husband, Supt. Eric Andrews and in 2013, he answered the clarion call to establish New Generation Church to which Lady Andrews is an integral part.

The anointing upon Lady Andrews is life-changing and was evidenced when she was consecrated as an Evangelist Missionary in the Church of God in Christ. Her compelling message and anointed delivery is relatable, relevant and reliable as she firmly stands upon the word of God. 

Among Lady Andrews’ most prized accomplishments is the establishment of her women’s empowerment organization entitled L.E.A.P. (Living Empowered to Achieve Purpose). It’s purpose and mission is to provide resources and tools to those who are deliberate about living their lives by God’s design. Moreover, hundreds if not thousands of viewers are encouraged by her weekly words of inspiration through her video blog entitled “Motivation Monday”.

Lady Andrews’ heart for the people of God is widespread and far reaching. Coupling her spirit of humility with her passion for destiny, she has become an inspiration to people everywhere and is quickly on the rise to national and international acclaim. Lady Andrews lives by the scripture, Phillipians 1:6, which states, “Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ”. The power of God through Lady Sheree Andrews has equipped her with the grace and confidence to stand and declare the word of God and it is through this same power that she will further her Kingdom assignment to reach the world for Jesus Christ.

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