IF YOU CUT ME, I’LL BLEED! IF YOU HIT ME, I’LL SCREAM! These are all natural reactions to pain that come along with the territory of being human. While it would be wonderful if our relationship with Christ made us numb to the stimuli of this world, that simply is not the case. Jesus, who is our Master Teacher, gave us the best example of how to live. And the bible says, when Lazarus died, “Jesus wept”. Did this make Him any less divine? No. Did that bring His power into question? No. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t long after His expression of pain that He turned around and brought Lazarus back to life, declaring “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” Many times, we view our tears as a strike against us, but Jesus is proof positive that our pain doesn’t disqualify us from His purpose. If anything, it qualifies us to better relate to those He’s calling us to. How can you say He’s a healer if you’ve never been sick? How can you say He’ll wipe the tears away if you’ve never had to cry? God allows certain circumstances to reveal our dependence on Him. The bible says, “His strength is made perfect in our weakness.” In other words, His strength cannot be perfected in us until our weakness is exposed in us. So instead of running from the pain of it all, cry in the moment. Hurt in the moment. Bleed in the moment and submit it to Your Father. For wherever your weakness is, God’s strength is not too far behind!