Networking and collaboration are the new buzz words in our society! Everyone is looking for someone to partner with to see their ideas and dreams come to reality. But although, NO MAN IS AN ISLAND, you must “VET” EVERY ALIEN SEEKING CITIZENSHIP IN YOUR COUNTRY!!! What does that mean? The term “vet” is a term used in foreign relations that means to make careful and critical examination of something. An “alien” is someone belonging to a foreign country or nation and we know that citizenship grants you the same rights as anyone who was born in a country. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS. God puts gifts, talents and anointing within us to do His will. Our intentions and motives are pure, but the enemy plants people in your path that will pose as harmless trying to connect themselves to you with the purpose of gaining the same rights and privileges you are due, BUT WITHOUT THE BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS! LISTEN!! I prayed too long, worked too hard and endured too much to allow LEECHES to descend upon my destiny like a vulture upon it’s PREY!! My advise to you is simple…. PRAY BEFORE YOU BECOME PREY!! Remember, your name has the greatest value when it’s connected to YOU. If you allow it, the wrong people can attach themselves to you, suck the life out of your dream then throw it on the curb like a used piece of gum paper. DON’T GET ME WRONG!! God does place people in our lives for the purpose of furthering our Kingdom assignments, but we must be able to discern the good from the bad. Jesus said, “Watch and pray.” There’s more to your name than letters put together. Your name represents HIS NAME! Your name represents everything you had to go through to get where you are. So be WISE, be VIGILANT and above all be PROTECTIVE OF YOUR NAME BRAND!