Have you ever been in a place where you felt stuck, stagnant and stiff? I have!! It can be frustrating and confusing at times. We understand that there are seasons of our lives when God is deliberate about us “standing still to see the salvation of The Lord”. However, there are times when we feel the unction to move forward but we don’t quite know how. Many times we stop here and are overcome by a state of spiritual paralysis. God revealed something to me that I felt the burden to share with you. That is, YOUR PEACE IS IN YOUR PLAN. What does that mean? It means that your frustration is directly connected to your lack of a strategy. Being in a low place can make you feel as though the walls are caving in on you. But, like Joseph, having a plan in the pit has the potential to put you in position for the palace. (SAY THAT 5 TIMES FAST, LOL) Everyone has struggled at one point or the other in their life. But the shift happens when God reveals the strategy for your deliverance. I want to challenge you to begin asking God for strategies, direction and instruction. The bible says, in Proverbs 3:6 “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” I decree that the spirit of stagnation and frustration will BE DESTROYED as you seek and trust God for His strategy for your life. YOUR PEACE IS IN YOUR PLAN!